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How To Seduce Strangers


Updated: Oct 4, 2022

This little book with a provocative title is written by Josh Weltman the man behind 'Mad Men'.

In his little black book of advertising secrets he outlines timeless truths about advertising from the ancient past to the digitised present.

And lies including this common fear of advertising:

There are big multinational corporations out there spending billions of dollars to get me to buy crap that leaves me broke and feeling empty.

The truth is rather less comfortable:

There is something inside me that I cannot control that compels me to buy crap that leaves me broke and feeling empty.

Advertising is no about changing beliefs or human motivations.

It's about confirming them.

The job of the advertiser is thus to discover and not invent.

It comes down to understanding what consumers really want.

It's about setting up buyer expectations and then satisfying them.

It's about talking about the benefits that interest them the most.

it's about telling people they are right and to keep on doing what they are already doing - preferably with YOUR brand, product or service.

If you would like help crafting your offer message then reach out for a free strategy session via this link here:

How To Seduce Strangers
How To Seduce Strangers

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